Posts Tagged ‘movies’

  • THIS IS SPARTA! and it’s gay! Hilarious.
  • Like a chinese rapper and women drivers (GASP!), these guys just aren’t meant to do these parts

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Finally, at long last, I went to watch a film. All through Christmas break I have wanted to go to the cinema and even though I have not done anything remotely related to uni work, I was still too busy to go to the cinema (how the hell does that happen?!). Anyhow, I was choosing between Balls of Fury, I Am Legend, and Disney’s Enchanted. Balls of Fury looked funny but was a bit too goofy and ratings were terrible. That’s me – ratings play quite a large part in helping me decide – unless I have definitely made up my mind. I had a feeling it’s one of those films where they show ALL the funny footages on the trailer and then there’s nothing left for the actual film. I am Legend, however, looked great. I do like Will Smith and I think he’s a very versatile actor (not so much a singer though) and Enchanted – what can I say? Disney is Disney. I am a bit of an anti-corporate, and I always support the underdog, but strangely I have never, ever thought of Disney of a corporation. Perhaps I have grown up with Disney and it was a big part of my life, perhaps it’s the umpteen times I’ve been to Disneyland and other Disney theme parks and have been brainwashed. Either ways, the Disney Magic was evident. Throughout the whole movie I was feeling this war, fuzzy feeling I’ve always felt when watching a Disney film as a kid. Not so much the recent CG animations, but stuff from way back, the fairy tales like Snow White and Cinderella, even Beauty and the Beast. So watching Enchanted was like a trip down memory lane. The film was a collage of Disney’s early successes – the characters, the themes, the music composition, and even the camera angles! I surprised myself by naming which of those came from which film (quietly of course, I really didn’t want to get kicked out watching a Disney film). So anyway, the film overall wasn’t too bad. If you have been a Disney fan, one as big as me, then you will not be disappointed. You can even play the game of naming which Disney film that characters come from.
One disappointment however, came towards the ending. I won’t spoil the film for you but it was a wee bit strange. But then the Disney magic kicked in and we have a typical Disney ending. Word of warning, though, if you were never a big Disney fan, or don’t get that tingling feeling I get when watching a Disney film, you might not like Enchanted. I give it 4/5 M-marks.