Archive for the ‘Granted’ Category


Remember Murphy’s law? Anything that can screw up, will. Especially computers.

And we all know how just how reliable Microsoft is, right?

It’s not just Microsoft though…so long as it’s a computer, it will find a way, when you’re least expecting it, to kick you in the nether region (regardless of gender) and laugh in your face.

I once read that 100% of people working on computers have lost their work somehow. Thousands of computers die and/or software crashes every second, losing some, most or all of our hard work. Regardless of how advanced auto-saving and network harddrives etc are, we’re still going to lose work one way or the other.

Here’s a guide to saving yourself the pain from losing work. Here is the beginning of a series that I am devoting to these little things that we take for granted, but by paying attention to them will save us from those little pangs of depression brought forth by nasty surprises. Continue Reading »

bookstairs.jpgDespite the fact that I am on my laptop almost 24/7, I still love books. As a child I had sets and sets of encyclopedias, most of them from Disney, but still – knowledge is knowledge. They used to be stacked neatly from A-Z on 3- or 4- level shelves. From there, my obsession with arranging things started. Even now, I categorise my books (or stack upon stack of paper) and they’re usually alphabetical in order. But the most annoying thing is living within London area, you don’t have that much space. Indeed, living in Tokyo, I have less space there. Thus with the lack of space, sometimes you have nowhere to “display” your books and you’re forced to keep some and you never know which ones to keep and which ones to display. And the shelves take up so much space and bla bla bla. But one guy figured the best of solving this, and I love it. It’s so simple and yet so easily overlooked. And it’s the best use of space I’ve seen so far.

There so now I’ve let out another secret obsession of mine. My birthday’s next week by the way ;)

Thanks for the pic, boing boing.

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